Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

“Working Together to Make a Positive Change”
Thank you for visiting the Cumberland County Schools’ Positive Behavior Interventions & Support web page. This page was designed to offer resources that will help you better implement and understand the Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) Initiative. Click on any of the links provided to learn more about this exciting new initiative. Thank you for working with Cumberland County Schools to make a positive change!
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systematic approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. Rather than a prescribed program, PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school-wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student-specific plans. PBIS is not a program or curriculum. It is a team-based process for systemic problem-solving, planning, and evaluation. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.
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Contact Us
115 E. Mountain Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone:(910) 484-3391
Fax: (910) 484-7244
Antoreya Scott
PBIS District Coach/Behavior Support
Exceptional Children's Services
2463 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: (910) 678-2440
Fax: (910) 678-2620
Ayanna Richard
Executive Director
John A. McMillan