Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Mac Williams Middle School recognizes that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and family for the duration of your child’s enrollment at our school.
Our school provides ample opportunities for parents/families to attend and participate in school activities and functions. Throughout the school year, we will provide a variety of educational and informational opportunities for families that entail Parent Teacher Conferences, Open House, Beginning of the Year 6th Grade Parent Session, Recognizing our Veterans Day, Awards Programs, Cultural Arts Programs to include Band, Chorus, and Orchestra Concerts, School Dances, Athletic Events and Athletic Banquets to discuss and review this document or learn the curriculum of your children. These programs are specifically designed to enhance family engagement and reflect the specific needs of our students and their families.
Title I is a federal grant that provides supplemental funding to select schools for resources to meet educational goals, such as:
Smaller class size
Additional teachers and paraprofessionals
Training for school staff on how to engage parents and families
Extra time for instruction (before and/or after school programs)
Parent and Family Engagement activities and a variety of supplemental materials and equipment.
Title I Schools:
Hold an annual Title I public meeting: This meeting will be held on February 22 at 6:00 p.m. to inform parents about their rights under Title I and to provide them with information that will allow them to be fully active in their child’s education.
Including parents on the School Improvement Team (SIT) who bring a range of perspectives and experiences from the school community. Our SIT will meet August 22, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. to develop and implement school improvement strategies and monitor the school improvement plan.
Ensure parents receive information in a timely manner. Information includes, but is not limited to the following:
School and district report cards,
Student assessment results and interpretation of such results,
Description of curriculum, state content standards and how student progress is measured,
Opportunities for parent and family meetings to share in educational decision making,
Qualifications of teachers,
Timely responses to parents and family suggestions, and
Inclusion of parents and families' input on the school improvement plan and the district strategic plan.
Our school will convene regular meetings at flexible times for parents and families throughout the school year for the purpose of planning, reviewing, sharing information, and organizing school improvement efforts.
Develop a Learning Compact that outlines how parents and families, entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student achievement and will be sent home for parent review.
Provide opportunities to meet regularly with school personnel to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children.